Our Focus

You can help AUGIE to determine their focus in 2025.  Please take a few minutes to complete the survey AUGIE 2025 Survey

AUGIE Group provides a forum to discuss issues and opportunities. The information received during those conversations may be used by agents, insurance carriers and solution providers in securing and/or providing solutions, or establishing workflows, that overcome the issues.

AUGIE recognizes that carriers, solution providers and agencies are all at various levels of providing and/or using technology. To assist in prioritizing, AUGIE focuses on key initiatives to enhance the agent-customer experience throughout the lifecycle of the insurance process.

In 2024 the focus was the following:

  1. Producer Contracts and Agency Codes: the relationship between the insurer and agency is documented through a contract. It is important that both parties in this relationship know the details of the relationship and the codes that support it.
    • Contract & Codes are a consistent pain point in the relationship between the insurers and their agents. When a new person joins an agency or has a role change, getting access easily can be difficult. Different codes require different logins, people work virtually allowing for more geographical territory, and when a merger occurs, an agent’s email address might not match what the carrier has.
    • AUGIE is using the information collected in the discussions to document best practices that will eliminate the pain points between insurers and their agents and helping to create a more streamlined process for changing access with the carriers when peoples’ roles change and/or agency acquisition occur.
    • If you would like a draft of the Contracts and Codes Best practice document, complete the “join the discussion” form on this page.
  2. Provisioning and Credentialing: this initiative is dependent contracts and codes. When an agent joins or leaves and agency, the carrier needs to provide or remove access. Their relationship with the agency is based on their contract. Agents have vocalized that it takes a lot to get them set up or turned off with a carrier.
    • This discussion involves using a management system for trusted IDs and single sign on can improve the experience.
    • AUGIE will provide best practices to assist the industry in eliminating pain during this process.
  3. Real-Time – Twenty years ago the industry communicated about the value of real-time access to carriers information through their system of choice. This functionality continues to be valuable in that
    • The agent can access the carriers information, without the necessity of using MFA, because of the trusted relationship established between the carrier and the agencies system.
    • The agent’s speed of access is quicker and there is no need to have a number of carrier websites open on their desktop.
    • AUGIE is asking that each solution provider provide education on how they have implemented “Real-Time”
  4. The Submission and Underwriting process
    • Submission ID and Tracking: Independent agents submit a number of carriers their clients information to seek the best market for their exposure.
      • Agents have asked that a submission ID be generated from their system to allow for tracking throughout the process.
      • There is an ACORD standard, thus this initiative would advance the use of the standard and assign a tracking number to quote submissions so they can be tracked through the agents’ systems.
      • AUGIE is asking the industry to implement the Submission ID.
    • Two-Way communication: Underwriters collect information from agents in a number of ways, including through email. Agent would like to this process in a secure, timely way that allows for the sharing of documentation initiated from the agent’s system of choice.
      • AUGIE is asking the industry to investigate and implement the sharing of documentation through the broadened use of eDocs and Messages.
  1. Download – the synchronization of the carriers data with the agency’s system.
    • Instant, reoccurring – more than batch – download is sent from the carriers in a variety of ways. Thanks to today’s technology, agents are benefiting from instant download, or download that arrives minutes after the process is completed.
      • Agents need to update their processes to benefit from this more frequent download.
      • Agents, once processing their download more frequently, benefit from
        • “Once and done” processes, and
        • no longer having to do follow-ups.
      • AUGIE is asking
        • carriers to implement instant or more frequent download
        • agency management systems to process it
        • agents to utilize it
      • eDocs & Messages – these are electronic messages from the carrier to the agency that may or may not include an attachment.
        • Agents want to know who is providing eDocs & Messages
          • If there are attachments
          • And the level of detail provided in the attachments
        • Ivans is providing a report to assist with sharing some of the requested information.
        • AUGIE has been asked to assist with the sharing of this information.
      • Agribusiness Download: The industry produced a work-around to deliver agribusiness download using a combination of commercial and person lines forms. This work-around limits the amount of data that may be shared and reduces the accuracy of the agents reports.
        • More than 80% of agents want agribusiness polices to download to their own forms according to our recent agribusiness survey.
        • AUGIE Group is working to speak with carriers and agency management systems to communicate that agents want a true agribusiness download.
      • Commercial Lines Download – agents are receptive to receiving download for small to medium sized accounts. To assist them in becoming receptive to receiving download for all levels of accounts,
        • It has been requested that a “sample download” be provided for the agency to see where the data goes in their system.
        • AUGIE is asking industry resources to provide this file.
        • AUGIE will be updating the Commercial Lines Policy Detail Detail Download document produced in 2010.
      • Claims Download – Claims download provides information to the agency when their client reports the claim directly to the carrier.
        • It also provides levels of information throughout the life of the claim to assist the agent in working with the carrier and client.
        • Carriers should provide claims download based on the list of codes provided in the implementation guidance.
        • AUGIE is asking that
          • More carriers provide claims download
          • All agency systems process the codes
          • Agents utilize it
        • Intermediaries: provide a market for coverages that are not accessible directly between the agent and their insurer.
          • Agents would like
            • these partners in the pipeline to provide download
            • the lines of business downloaded.
            • additional coverages, for example cyber, to be added too.
          • AUGIE supports the broadening of download

Your call to action!  Please “join the discussion” and work together to make a difference!  If you have an interest in any of these topics, please complete the form and join the discussion on Workstorm.

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