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Events & Meetings

We hold a variety of in-person and virtual events throughout the year. We typically host 2 in-person events in conjunction with agency user groups and other meetings. Throughout the year, we also hold virtual discussion sessions to talk about progress in our key focus areas. And we also hold several virtual emerging technology meetings in which we invite technology vendors to discuss how they’re solving key issues for agents.

Upcoming events in 2024 

September 8, 2024 – 1:30 PM to 4:30 CT PM – The discussion will be divided into two sessions 1. Focus on the value of the agent’s voice and how being part of AUGIE helps to make a difference. 2. eDocs and Messages, who is sending them, what is being sent and how agents use them. Located at the Gaylord Opryland Resort in Nashville, Tennessee, prior to Ivans Connect and AppliedNet. Open to all, no fee to join us! AUGIE Meeting – register now!

Hotel Information


Nov 3 – Nov 5 – AUGIE will have a table and representatives at Spark in Cincinnati, OH. Building on one of AUGIE’s successful initiatives of the past, AUGIE will facilitate a session at Spark on “Change makers and tools for changes”.  Regardless of which agency management system you use, Spark, sponsored by NetVU is for all thought leaders.  Register today to make stronger industry connections

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